Internet in ELT methods, It's a good idea?


This blog is based in the article:"CALL Me…Maybe: A Framework for Integrating the Internet into ELT"

Sometimes, as third world country citizens, we can not realize how big the world can be...
Or maybe that was an idea of past centuries...
Nowadays, the world become little, not because it has change fisically, beacause it seems that the imagination of how big the world is, now is obsolete, why? well the answer is one word... INTERNET, now everybody can be what they want (Without knowing even a bit of the topic)
but, like every little thing in life, all it's tied to the prespective and utility that can offer.
Resultado de imagen para internet and education
Education, it's the principal field in humans life that is under the responsability to change according with how the world moves... It's logic, just think a second, education, in all the educational types that exists (Formal, informal, extraodinary, ETC)  is the process in how the humans become useful for society, It's ilogic that the only way to introduce humans to the world is keeping being the same, right?. Now, with that idea clear, let's analyze what the article says....

Well, the article starts stating some stadistics related to the internet access. Also, the aticle presents some reasons why as teachers we should apply the internet in our curriculums.
Some of the points are very interesting... I will summarize the points that for me talks about all the article.

The autonomy: According with (Turkle 2012) internet shows  who are more isolated. Naturally, humans are different, some of us, tends to be more social than others, but that is not wrong at all. Internet helps to those who are isolated to performe better and relaxed, so, we can assume that it's helping with the education social integration.

The communication: Like english teachers we were students in a time, obviously, we know what kind of mistakes students suffer in the learning processes, one of the most remarkable one is, the communication lakes that can be outside the classroom. Being honest, students do not practice out of the classroom, why? well, most of the time they don't have someone to practice with... and the hours in the classroom are not enough... we live in a third world country that is far of those countries in where english is the first lenguage, so, it's understandable that, sometimes, the process is not achived at all.
Internet came to help students and teachers as well to forget that idea of "Who am I going to practice with?"
Through some web-sites tools, like: Skype, VolP, etc. students are captable to being in contact with people around the world, getting in touch with, culture, accents, etc.

Engage learners: Well, this point is arguable, according with many studies, the world right now has 7.300 millions of people, more than 50% of the population of the world has the capacity to get in touch with the internet, so what does mean? if we make some numbers 3.65 millions of the population and every single one of those 3.65 millions are learning something right now, so, we know that the internet can be whatever companies what to say, but, we know that is an obsessive tool, and acordding with more investigations, in 10 years every single thing will be connected, but we can talk about that later....
So, encourage our students through this tool is one of the most nice way to do it.

Also, the article explain some ways to work with internet without have internet access, for example, printing, the cloud, pdf, etc.
states, how to use the content, how to select the information and content, the best types of content, some tasks

Here we have a framework for integrating the Internet into ELT

But, at least for me, the most useful source is the following picture

How is the framework for the ELT based in Bloom’s Taxonomy guide.

To conclude, to be the kind of teacher that the world is asking us to be, we need to handle this types of methods to being captable fot he future.


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