Education and cell phones.

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This blog is based on the article:"Twenty Ideas for Using Mobile Phones in the Language Classroom"

Wilfredo, a 58 old teacher for a little ville on the country side of El salvador, is teaching his routine social studies class to teenegers. All the expirience that Wilfredo has, is helping him to not loss his students attention at all, sadly when wilfredo turns to write something on the board, all the students do the same movement to the beat of the dependency, everybody heads down to "check" a little piece of plastic with lights.... the question is: Can wilfredo do something to changes it?

The best way to develop a process, whatever the field that we talk, is through the dependence of the masses, cell phones nowadays became symbiotic, humans can't realize one day without them. This pose one question: It is possible to focus cellphones activity in a really useful way?
Let's find out....

Education as I mentioned before, is in that little line between inovation and traditional useful methods, sadly never is enough.
Technology is attractive, students tends to follow trending ideas to "fit in" so, because students are the reason why school exists, cellphone are part of the educational process.

One important point that I will remark is the education that our students need to have when they are going to work develop some activities through cell phones.
The responsability, the repercussions, but most important: the conscience about how powerful the tecnology can be if we don't know how to use it.

Some activities that teachers can do to focus cell phones integration are:

-Use free programs to make flashcards for mobile phones
Resultado de imagen para cell phones and education-Use the Text Messaging feature for circular writing.
-Use the mobile phone for a language exchange.
-Use the mobile phone to keep a blog.

There are many activities to develop a target language through cell phones, remember, a cellphone nowadays is a little computer, so internet is our pockets...
Activities like:
-Find the following article
-Check the meaning of
-Pass the following information
Can be easily done with cellphones.

Another nice way to practice the target language out of classes is with some app that students can easily download on their cell phones. preatty much like: Duolingo.
A funny full skills application that challenge students to keep working hard.

To conclude, cell phones can be applicated to develop different useful activities, everything depends on how are we going to apply them.


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