
Assessing language using technology

Rank 4 This log is based on the article: "ASSESSING LANGUAGE USING COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY" Technology, nowadays is not one thing in our life, now is a fundamental way to support the way that we live. For bad or for good, life is changing according with trending situations. The way that humans become what their are (in society) is through education... So, if technology plays an role like that one in life, and education is what is the key to develop and become, they have to be mixed. The article "ASSESSING LANGUAGE USING COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY" pose, some different ways to develop curricular plans, for example: - "The Language Construct in Relation to Computer-Based Delivery and Response  Technologies"  This part, explains the process that technolgy pass in order to become a useful tool in a world that sometimes is to accustomed to old fashion strategies, for example, El salvador is a third world country that is delayed around 100 years on educational fi...

The participation in the classroom

RANK 4 This blog is based on the articles: "10 Benefits of Getting Students to Participate in Classroom Discussions, Increase Student Interaction with "Think­Pair­Shares" and "Circle Chats" Artistotle said: "Humans beings are social by nature" how can this being get? just an excuse for being talkative or a deep phrase? One of the principal ideas that Artistotle exposed is, how certain comunication is necessary to develop some simple philosophies. There are some researchers that believes that some of the first humans searchers for answers started for a simple question like, why that men is doing that? those types of easy but deep questions are the pioneers, humans develop their social knowledge from the other people. Having clear why the communication is important like teachers to think about in something simply (like the last example) If we have around 35 humans in the same room and we are going to teach them something, would not be better t...

"Project work" Another step to independece

Rank 5 This log is based on the article: "Maximizing the Benefits of ProjectWork in Foreign Language Classrooms" How important is the learning independence?  According with the constructivism, the educational independece plays an important role on students development, the logical is simple, one day students will not have someone telling them what to do, so, they need to learn how to being captable to set activities by themself. The question is: How can teachers create meaninful activities to develop this important skill? The article: "Maximizing the Benefits of ProjectWork in Foreign Language Classrooms" presents some interesting ideas about how project works can be the answer to the previous question. First, The possible expantion that this projects have.... Sometimes, teachers don't develop the projects correctly, when we refer to "project work" the first thing that we have to have clear is that: Students have to be the center of the activ...

Dictionaries and vocabulary through technology, are they a good idea?

THIS LOG IS BASED ON THE ARTICLES: "Online English-English Learner Dictionaries Boost Word Learning" and "Using Technology to Assist in Vocabulary Acquisition and Reading Comprehension". Roberto, a english student, has the task of write an article related with educational trends of the new century, he had studied, investigated and practice a lot, in order to have the correct words for his homework, sadly, in the moment of write, some ideas come to his mind, the problem is that, his native language is spanish, sometimes, Roberto is now in a difficult part, he needs something that can help him to find the correct word to finish.... What is a dictionary? According with Wikipedia: "Is a collection of words in one or more specific languages, often arranged alphabetically, which may include information on definitions, usage, etymologies, pronunciation, translation, etc. or a book of words in one language with their equivalents in another, sometimes known as a le...

Education and cell phones.

Rank 3 This blog is based on the article:"Twenty Ideas for Using Mobile Phones in the Language Classroom" Wilfredo, a 58 old teacher for a little ville on the country side of El salvador, is teaching his routine social studies class to teenegers. All the expirience that Wilfredo has, is helping him to not loss his students attention at all, sadly when wilfredo turns to write something on the board, all the students do the same movement to the beat of the dependency, everybody heads down to "check" a little piece of plastic with lights.... the question is: Can wilfredo do something to changes it? The best way to develop a process, whatever the field that we talk, is through the dependence of the masses, cell phones nowadays became symbiotic, humans can't realize one day without them. This pose one question: It is possible to focus cellphones activity in a really useful way? Let's find out.... Education as I mentioned before, is in that little line be...

Collaborative writing for ESL learners

Rank 5 This blog is based on the article: "Online Collaborative Writing Using Wikis" When I started to read this article, my childhood came back to me for a while... I remebered my primary school years, one teacher leave us the homework of write our own "personal diary" why? well maybe because this "wiki" activity is that exactly. The same methodology is apply it, the only difference is the technology attraction. According with Richardson A wiki is a website where anyone can edit anything anytime they want (Richardson, 2006). A strategy that can cover all the writing skills is too good to be true. In the article some writing strategies are presented basing the didactical and methodological rate on one simply, but effective, source. First, two of the main ideas are: Improve the writing skill and collaborative writing. But, let's disarm this. Improve writing skill. What can be more atractive than show someone else my own ideas about my o...

Reading and Wrtiting online, interesting ideas...

ARTICLE 1 Rank 5 This blog is based on the article "Using Internet­Based Children's Literature to Teach EFL" It is funny when like adults we see children around 5 to 7 years old in the bus, street etc.. reading every single announcement that they find, the funniest part is that, we can only appreciate this phenomenon in children with that age, maybe because like most of the beings, when a new ability borns, it is interesting to apply it, but with the pass of the years, this become routine. Today, basing my analisys in the article, I'm going to try to show you a interesting way to not lose that desire in our students. The article starts showing us the importance of integrate reading skills in educational processes, some of the evidence that it proves can be find in students needs... for example, Learn grammar in context, see interaction, bus most important the vocabulary increase. Most of the time, classes are not enough to achive the vocabulary that students ...